Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -- Albert Einstein

You must have heard "Kalyana Samayal satham" song at some point. Well, may be not quite there, but I certainly hope the posts in this blog enrich your cooking experience and lets you approach cooking with a SMILE, rather than as a chore or a rules to follow regimen. Anything Vegetarian goes, ONLY criterion: The end product MUST taste good - to those you are serving.


Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits! Are you under pressure? Guests are coming at short notice, perhaps? Not enough ingredients, not much time to plan? Then you have landed at the right kitchen!!! I will gladly help you figure out a "Guest approved" tasty menu with waht ingredients you have and at a short time! No more hazzled faces! Be prepared for your guests with a Cheerful, worry-free happy cooking!!!!

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh! What a pressure.....

You know sometimes you do things under pressure and later on when you look at it or recall the incident you can only but laugh. So it was today, I was cooking our dinner. The cooker was on the range with rice in one compartmnet and the ingredients for rasam in the other compartment. After a few minutes I put the "weight" where it should be. Meanwhile I had cut okra into small pieces and started preparing the vegetable curry. When that was all set and cooking, I cut small brinjals for a second curry, "ennaik kaththirikkai". A few minutes passed by. I noticed that the cooker was not making any noises; and steam was coming from the valve, where it should not!. The cooker is almost brand new and my first reaxction was to get angry. Then I realized I have to do something or else the steam will all be gone and the cooker's base would be scorched! So I made a small roll from tissue and inserted it in the hole of the valve. It didnot cover it completely. The waste from cutting the okra and eggplant were still there. I picked up an okra piece and covered it. It was shifting a little and I had to hold it in place with a knife. That wasn't a good solution. Then I saw the eggplant tops and thought why not try one of them. Lo and behold! It did the trick! I didn't have to hold it and the cooking was done. When it was all over I looked at the cooker and burst into a laughter!. I called out to my child and she peeled into a laughter too. That is when I thought of sharing it with all of you. The things we do under pressure.... hm... Happy cooking... the words are still ringing in my ears. This was one very happy cooking indeed...
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Count your blessings ....
Chinna Chinna asai...