Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -- Albert Einstein

You must have heard "Kalyana Samayal satham" song at some point. Well, may be not quite there, but I certainly hope the posts in this blog enrich your cooking experience and lets you approach cooking with a SMILE, rather than as a chore or a rules to follow regimen. Anything Vegetarian goes, ONLY criterion: The end product MUST taste good - to those you are serving.


Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits! Are you under pressure? Guests are coming at short notice, perhaps? Not enough ingredients, not much time to plan? Then you have landed at the right kitchen!!! I will gladly help you figure out a "Guest approved" tasty menu with waht ingredients you have and at a short time! No more hazzled faces! Be prepared for your guests with a Cheerful, worry-free happy cooking!!!!

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

APPLE-KADALAI MAVU GOTHSU! ஆப்பிள்- கடலை மாவு கொத்சு!

கடலை மாவு சட்னி என்றால் இனி ஓட வேண்டாம்!
You know, nowadays cooking with original time tested recipes is becoming harder and harder. Don't you agree? If  it is ghee, oil etc., cholesterol; rice etc - too much carbohydrates; sweets and savouries - oh it is fattenning/ too much oil and the list goes on. So it is with Channa dal powder - kadali mavu. For some people, the minute they hear something is made out of kadalai mavu, they will be reaching for their stomach. It is more a mental impression than anything else. If you eat anything with perspective (How much you eat and what your health condition is), and a balanced meal nothing can harm you.

Well, in any case, because of this notion, I hardly make the quick recipe side dish that goes amazingly well with chappati or poori - namely the famous "kadalai mavu chutney". But I wanted to make it, since it had been a long time that I tasted it.
Now my mind started racing. How can I make this a welcome and side dish?  and thus ended up with:

APPLE-KADALAI MAVU GOTHSU! ஆப்பிள் - கடலை மாவு கொத்சு!

கடலை மாவு சட்னி என்றால் இனி ஓட வேண்டாம்!

Here is the recipe:

1 cup channa dal powder
1 big apple
6 tomatoes
1 onion and 2 garlic pods (for those who prefer)
3 green chillies, small ginger piece, chopped.
Coriander leaves chpped. ( or basil leaves)

Dice the tomatoes and keep. Chop onions, garlic, chillies to small pieces.
Mix the channa dal powder in 1-11/2 cups of water to amke a thin liquid. Add 1/2 spoon turmeric powder, some asafoetida powder, 1/4 spoon garam masala, 1/4 to 2 spoons chiili powder, according to your taste, and mix well and keep.
Cut the apple into small pieces and let it microwave for 2-3 minutes with some water. Cool, peel the skin and keep aside.
In a blender, add the peeled apples, some of the chopped tomatoes, some coriander leaves and blend well. I added basil leaves instead, to give a different flavour.
In a sauce pan, add 2-3 spoons of oil, pop mustard, cumin and urad dal. (1/4 spoon, 1/4 spoon, 1 spoon, respectively).
Now add the green chillies, ginger, (garlic and onions) one by one and saute well. Add the diced tomatoes and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. Now add the contents from the blender and let boil for 5 minutes. Add salt to taste. Now add the channa dal powder liquid that you prepared and keep stirring. When it is a semi-liquid and done, stop an dtransfer contents a to another utensil. If you kep stirring till it looks right, it will solidy into a solid cake and laugh at you (:-).
There you have it, a traditional dish made very nutritious and what is more your tummy will love it.
I generally see in many houses, apples are just lying here and there as children and adults don't consume  a lot. So why not include it appropriately in dishes that will add to the nutrition value?

And did you know, if someone has a stomach ache, plain boiled and pureed apple sauce is good for them?

Well, I can hear some people commenting "ஆமாண்டி! மிதமிஞ்சி விட்டது போலிருக்கு". It may seem so, but here you see apples everywhere. Instaed of wasting them, I feel this is a better use of the apples. Readers, chime in your 2c worth!

Atleast I have given you a suggestion to include apple for one day... We will come up with the other 364 ideas! Don't worry!

Happy cooking!!!!!!!!!! An apple today became a gothu for dinner!

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