Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -- Albert Einstein

You must have heard "Kalyana Samayal satham" song at some point. Well, may be not quite there, but I certainly hope the posts in this blog enrich your cooking experience and lets you approach cooking with a SMILE, rather than as a chore or a rules to follow regimen. Anything Vegetarian goes, ONLY criterion: The end product MUST taste good - to those you are serving.


Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits! Are you under pressure? Guests are coming at short notice, perhaps? Not enough ingredients, not much time to plan? Then you have landed at the right kitchen!!! I will gladly help you figure out a "Guest approved" tasty menu with waht ingredients you have and at a short time! No more hazzled faces! Be prepared for your guests with a Cheerful, worry-free happy cooking!!!!

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Monday, October 12, 2009


சுப்பிரமணிய   பாரதியார்
 " கவிதை எழுதுபவன் கவியன்று. கவிதையே வாழ்க்கையாக உடையோன், வாழ்க்கையே கவிதையாகச் செய்தோன், அவனே கவி" - பாரதி

"He who writes poetry is not a poet. He whose poetry has become his life, and who has made his life his poetry - it is he who is a poet." - Bharathy

By sheer standards of great poetry, far ahead of his times in thinking, great visionary for India, selfless attitude, "uplifting of all people in mind and action" focus, brevity and easy reading and understanding of poems, great patriotism, fearless forever and any other trait you may choose for all time great men and poets would fit this fearless patriotic poet from Triplicane, Chennai, TamilNadu, India.
He wrote a variety of poems; just to kindle your interest I will showcase here one from each type.

In this prayer piece to Shakti, his favourite deity, he beautifully describes a simple and yet complete depiction of what a peaceful life means. As with any greta poem, his wish would be every reader's wish as well. As the words unfold, you can vividly imagine the scenary, as though it is happening in front of your eyes.

He says:   kaaNi nilam vEndum

Amma: Give me just a small piece of land of my own. In that build a small house with decorated pillars and white balconies. There should be a well, by the side of which I will find some 10-12 young cocoanut trees with branches well watered. With moon light shining brightly like that of a pearl's light, a nightingale's singing should faintly reach my ears, and a gentle breeze should embrace me for my thoughts to be pleasant.

With this backdrop, to share my poetic ecstacy, my chaste wife should join me; and in the joyful mingling of our thoughts should be born many many beautiful poems. In the open vastness, Amma I need your protection all the time. By your Blessings, with my poetry I should awaken this world.

12. காணி நிலம் வேண்டும்

காணி நிலம் வேண்டும் - பராசக்தி
காணி நிலம் வேண்டும், - அங்கு
தூணில் அழகியதாய் - நன்மாடங்கள்
துய்ய நிறத்தினதாய் - அந்தக்
காணி நிலத்தினிடையே - ஓர்மாளிகை
கட்டித் தரவேண்டும் - அங்கு
கேணியருகினிலே - தென்னைமரம்
கீற்று மிளநீரும்.

பத்துப் பன்னிரண்டு - தென்னைமரம்
பக்கத்திலே வேணும் - நல்ல
முத்துச் சுடர்போலே - நிலாவொளி
முன்பு வரவேணும், அங்கு
கத்துங் குயிலோசை - சற்றே வந்து
காதிற் படவேணும், - என்றன்
சித்தம் மகிழ்ந்திடவே - நன்றாயிளந்
தென்றல் வரவேணும்.

பாட்டுக் கலந்திடவே - அங்கேயொரு
பத்தினிப் பெண்வேணும் - எங்கள்
கூட்டுக் களியினிலே - கவிதைகள்
கொண்டுதர வேணும் - அந்தக்
காட்டு வெளியினிலே - அம்மா! நின்றன்
காவலுற வேணும், - என்றன்
பாட்டுத் திறத்தாலே - இவ்வையத்தைப்
பாலித்திட வேணும்.

Click on the you tube link to hear a rendering of this song
Bharathiyar composition in the ragams Hamsadwani, Bhagesree and Sindu Bhairavi. Venue: Ragasudha Hall, Naada Inbam, 20/12/2008. Swarna Rethas-S P Ananthapadmanabhan-N C Bharadwaj.

Enjoy. More on his poems later.

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Chinna Chinna asai...