Welcome to Wonderfully Vegetarian - a down-to-earth cooking experience based on my kitchen exploits.

Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. -- Albert Einstein

You must have heard "Kalyana Samayal satham" song at some point. Well, may be not quite there, but I certainly hope the posts in this blog enrich your cooking experience and lets you approach cooking with a SMILE, rather than as a chore or a rules to follow regimen. Anything Vegetarian goes, ONLY criterion: The end product MUST taste good - to those you are serving.


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Friday, September 11, 2009

ஆஹா ! பழரசமா இல்லை அமிர்தமா? - THE HEALING POWER OF JUICES

Well we all try so hard to eat the right food and do the exercises and so on. But most of what we do is not based on sound nutrient or health advice. If only we knew the health benefits of the juices, how wonderful it would be!
Well, the other day I was browsing and saw this amazing list of juices for specific conditions. Whether the claim is true or not, I felt like sharing it with the rest of the world and so here is the list.

Courtesy: http://www.fatfreekitchen.com

[Also read the Book, Juicing For Life by Cherie Calbom and maureen Keane, Avery Publishing Group, New York, 1992]


Natural healing juices from fruits and vegetables for detoxing, tiredness, digestive, skin, etc. are suggested.

Freshly made juices are a very good source of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins activate enzymes which act as catalysts in hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions that take place throughout our body.

Enzymes produce energy and are essential for digesting, absorbing and converting food into body tissue. Without vitamins, enzymes could not carry out their work, and we could not live.

Our body can absorb more vitamins and minerals if we drink fresh juices than if we eat the fruits and vegetables whole. By blending fruits and vegetables to make juices and smoothies, we break down the fibers to release the trapped nutrients.
Juicing Tips

· Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before juicing. Remove damaged portions, if any.

· Use organic produce where possible.

· Juice with stems and leaves. Remove the stems and leaves of carrots, as they are toxic. The leaves of celery are bitter so you may remove them.

· You may use seeds of lemon, lime, oranges, etc. Do not use apple seeds, as they are toxic.

· Do not use the skins of orange and grapefruits, as they are toxic. Do not throw away the white pithy part as they are a source of vitamin C and bioflvonoids.

· You can garnish the juices with black pepper, salt, lemon juice, parsley, cilantro (coriander), cinnamon, etc.


Recommended Mix Juice

For Tired body, Jetleg, Hangover

Apple, Orange, Carrot, Beetroot

For Relaxation

Apple, Pineapple, Mint, Lime

For reducing Stress

Tomato, Carrot, Coriander, Broccoli, Celery

For improving Digestion

Apple, Beetroot, Ginger, Carrot

For improving Immune System

Anti Flu, Anti cold

Apple, Carrot, Lemon, Ginger, Garlic

For Detoxing Body

Apple, Grapefruit, Watermelon, Ginger

For Cleansing Liver

Pineapple, Carrot, Beetroot, Lime

As a Skin Tonic

Carrot, Capsicum, Spinach


Recommended Mix Juice


Blackberry + parsley juice

Parsley + grape juice


Celery + parsley juice


Celery + papaya juice

Celery + endive + carrot juice


Celery + parsley juice

Bladder Ailments

Celery + pomegranate juice

Blood Pressure high

Carrot + parsley + celery juice

Lime juice + whey powder
Grape juice and carrot juice.

Blood Pressure lower

Parsley juice

Capsicum + garlic juice.

Blood Purifier

Blackberry juice + black cherry juice + parsley juice + dandelion juice + Tomato juice.

Common Cold

Watercress + apple juice with 1/4 tsp pure cream of tartar

Cholesterol Reduction

carrot + apple + ginger + orange + strawberry + spinach


Coconut milk + carrot juice

Complexion (yellow)

Grapefruit juice.

Complexion improve

1 Tbsp apple concentrate juice +, 1/2 glass cucumber juice + 1/2 glass water.



Spinach + grapefruit.

Diarrhea remedy

Carrot + blackberry juice.


Celery + parsley juice.

Gall Bladder

Radish + prune + black cherry + celery juice

Carrot + beetroot + cucumber juice
Prune + black cherry + celery + radish juice.


Beetroot + radish juice

Green vegetable juices.


Coconut milk + carrot juice


Celery juice 1 tsp + wheat germ + 1 tsp. Nova Scotia dulse.


Celery juice, 1 tsp + wheat germ + 1 tsp. Nova Scotia dulse.


Celery + parsley juice.


Carrot + pineapple juice with honey

Parsley + alfalfa + pineapple juice.


Celery juice, 1 tsp + wheat germ + 1 tsp. Nova Scotia dulse.


Coconut milk + fig juice + parsley + carrot juice.


Carrot + blackberry juice.

Insomnia (sleeplessness)

Lettuce + celery juice.




Tomato and sauerkraut juice


Celery + parsley + asparagus juice

Carrot + parsley juice.

Kidney (bladder) problems

Celery + pomegranate juice.


Radish and pineapple juice

Carrot, beet, and cucumber juice.

Improve Memory

Celery + carrot + prune juice + rice polishing.

Nervous tension

Celery + carrot + prune juice

Lettuce + tomato juice.

Overweight, obesity

Beet greens + parsley + celery juice.


Celery + prune juice

Cucumber + pineapple juice.


Cucumber + endive + goat's whey.

Sore Throat

Watercress + apple juice with 1/4 tsp pure cream of tartar

Stomach Infection

Carrot + blackberry juice.


Beet greens + parsley + celery juice + green kale.


Clam juice + celery juice.

Ulcers Stomach


Spinach + grapefruit.


One Tbsp apple concentrate + one Tbsp almond nut butter + one cup celery juice.

Weight Improvement

Coconut milk + fig juice + parsley + carrot juice.

Weight Reducing

Parsley + grape juice + pineapple juice.

Youth retaining

Cucumber + radish + pepper (1/3 cup each)

2/3 cup concord grape juice + 1/3 cup pineapple juice.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! the juicing article is quite interesting and useful. Thanks for categorizing this so extensively!


Thank you for your comment. Please visit again! Happy cooking!!!!!

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